orm copied to clipboard
Update ObjectHydrator.php
correction for bug when multiple calls :
when I automaticly made a DQL like :
return $this
ItemSerie Entity :
class ItemSerie
#[ORM\ManyToOne( inversedBy: 'itemSeries')]
#[ORM\JoinColumn(nullable: false)]
private ?Item $item = null;
#[ORM\ManyToOne( inversedBy: 'itemSeries')]
#[ORM\JoinColumn(nullable: false)]
private ?Serie $serie = null;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 50)]
private $numero;
on each series, the last itemSeries has the good number but the item witch is associate is bad, it take the second of list
Sorry, I don't understand the problem that you're trying to fix here. Please start by providing a functional test that fails without your changes. That might help others understand and it also helps preventing future regressions.
here is a repo for reproduce the error : https://github.com/eltharin/errordoctrine/ don't know why but sometimes when changing some values, all become good...
Emphasis is mine:
Please start by providing a functional test that fails without your changes.
I Hope test is OK for you, I didn't know where I Can put the entity classes.
Is there something to do more ?
Getting a green build perhaps?
Yes... but I can(t correct all of your errors, my change appear as error with PSALM but indexof want mixed argument and I give object... and all unit test failed without reason
Other one is good :)