Electrical age should have Tier 3 Lines and poles added, in real life there are power lines that carry hundreds of thousands to millions of volts. since the tier two...
Add input options to configure amperage and temperature breakers trip at so both over current and over voltage can be set and protected by breakers.
here is another big requested one, and 3 way and 4 way switches and a wire designed to connect 3 / 4 way switches together a example is you would...
This bug-tracker is for bugs, feature requests and development tracking, not general support. Please see the [support page](https://electrical-age.net/contact/) for support and discussion. - [ ] Bug Fixed Checkbox ## Issue...
Implement Option into Config to replace explosions from short circuits / over current / voltage etc with Fires unlike the option that disables explosions. this one would cause fires to...
Since electrical age is open source, i have this suggestion that might help drastically speed up developement once the devs did it. Port the entire mod into MCreator / MCreator...
Something this mod is missing is proper electrical conduit and it should be added in a future version... you could use it to bind wires together in PVC tubes making...
Add breaker Panels to electrical age that can control many circuits with breakers, like your main electrical panel does in your home. this could be used to put machines and...