Hi there, I've been having some issues with getting smplify-x to run and would appreciate any advice on the matter. The only other thread I've come across suggested installing and...
https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/92538100/208305738-76d82123-3285-4fe5-866f-8ada56e49de7.mp4 Hi there, I was wondering if it was possible to extract the .pkl/.fbx data for more than one model in a visual scene. The video output I've been getting...
Hi there, Whenever I try to run commands to execute this program I get the following error > > (venv_vibe) C:\Users\eliza\VIBE_FILES\VIBE-master>python demo_alter.py --vid_file sample_video.mp4 --output_folder output/ --display > Traceback (most...
Hi there, thank you so much for doing a windows repository for this! I've managed to get VIBE to give me a video output and a _.pkl_ file. The issue...