Elliotte Rusty Harold

Results 201 comments of Elliotte Rusty Harold

I feel like we should retry at least once despite the update interval. However I'm not sure how easy this is to force in our code.

Thanks. That's a weird one. BufferedInputStream.read really shouldn't throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException. Perhaps there's a thread bug somewhere?

Probably related to this show downloadable server adapters preference and adjustable by user: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1005544/16153156/1943547e-3473-11e6-83da-ff34b505ffff.png)

Per @briandealwis "The server refreshing behaviour is a very annoying Eclipse WTP behaviour. You can disable it from by opening Windows > Preferences > Server and then changing 'Update cache...

@briandealwis Is this obsolete now that Mars is gone?

Just checking, might this ever end up getting auto-submitted to Eclipse project error catchers or any other automated collection agent?

Not a bad idea, but serious consideration of this is going to have to wait on some infrastructure work at the server level around API metadata.

I don't want to drop it too fast. I know there are still customers using this, but let's mark it deprecated in thew wizard.

Thanks @YnR That would be helpful.