
Results 144 comments of elgonzo

P.S.: Even if my explanation helps you solve the issue, please keep the issue report here open so that the author of the library has a chance to see and...

I would very much like to see providing the developer with a choice of whether they want their CLI to behave in a case-sensitive or in a case-insensitive manner. I...

I don't really know what and precisely how you want to program, but an idea that comes to my mind is using a [ThreadLocal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.threadlocal-1) or a [AsyncLocal](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.asynclocal-1?view=net-6.0) (dependig on whether...

As far as i know, System.CommandLine does not support "chained" command sequences (only hierarchical/nested commands, but which is not what you seem to seek). I assume the order of the...

To add to @jonsequitur's answer, it is possible to disable response files (and thus treating `@World` like an ordinary string value) by using CommandLineBuilder. Basically something like this (untested, could...

@jonsequitur, > The string splitter is intended to emulate the behavior of the command line splitter that prepares the arguments passed to Main(string[] args) But it doesn't with respect to...

> The main goal of the CommandLineStringSplitter is to support completions and testing, though unless we add several shell-specific implementations, there's no way to accommodate these differences in quote escaping....

The --version option has **no** built-in default value. The version value is coming straight from the [entry assembly](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.reflection.assembly.getentryassembly). The entry assembly is normally the executable built by your software project....

While i can't help with hiding the default value in the help output, the last part about cascading default values could be achieved by using one of the Option<T> constructor...

If the cleanup is only necessary when your command handler(s) have been invoked, wouldn't it make sense to let the command handlers themselves do the cleanup as last step of...