
Results 144 comments of elgonzo

> I have full published code, except data - class to be serialized, attribute definition, call serializer - there are nothing else. Is it not enough? No, unfortunately, it is...

@shueseman i am afraid that unless you provide a minimal and **complete** example (preferably on [https://dotnetfiddle.net](https://dotnetfiddle.net/wS6aRH) or similar online C# runtime environments) that reproduces the problem you are having, nobody...

@shueseman as i already suggested: _Please also open a new issue report when you are providing your minimal and complete example instead of continuing this thread here_.

Try configuring the arity of the option to be zero-or-one: ```C# verbosity.Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne; ``` (The default arity for option arguments that are neither bool nor collections and don't have...

No, not a bug in CommandLineParser. This is how async methods work, and that's why there is an _WithParsedAsync_ method specifically for async callbacks. What you are attempting here is...

Yeah, i have the same problem (i tried with 2.9.0-preview1). And so have others (https://github.com/commandlineparser/commandline/issues/709). This is actually a showstopper for a project of mine that uses this (otherwise great)...

For simpler CLI setups, your suggested workaround can indeed help getting around the issue. It handily beats hand-coding the whole args handling, even where the CLI is rather simple.

Dunno. I have no problems with the built-in "--version" option here (using the library version 2.9.0-preview3). Also, this example using 2.8.0 on dotnetfiddle (https://dotnetfiddle.net/VNWTP8) exhibits no problem with the built-in...

Okay, that explains it. I see it now, too. The bug occurs if another option or argument preceeds the "--version" option. Note that the _Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()_ method, despite its name, not...

I cannot really help, but i noticed something really odd. Note that the output mentions `Framework Version: v4.0.30319`. However, the stacktrace contains a call to `System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(this Assembly assy)`. [According to...