
Results 144 comments of elgonzo

The API surface of the new library is not entirely identical to the older version. You therefore need to (re)build your project against the new library. (FYI: This commit https://github.com/commandlineparser/commandline/commit/e826508c52814f6f65e0453d75ca4b4072f76b84...

Hmm, could you perhaps provide a minimal and complete repro? The code snippet you have shown contains some unknowns, like how _TestOptions_ and _AnalyzeOptionsBase_ are being declared...

Yeah, it's a gotcha when beginning to design the CLI and starting with one verb. The simple `ParseArguments` method with a single generic type parameter does not support verb scenarios....

I haven't tested myself, but in case you haven't tried already i suggest trying this `HelpText.AutoBuild` overload instead: HelpText.AutoBuild(ParserResult parserResult, Func onError, int maxDisplayWidth = DefaultMaximumLength) Looking at its Intellisense/source...

Cannot reproduce. Both 2.9.0-preview (dotnetfiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/ziCfC9) as well as 2.8.0 (dotnetfiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/aWzTh2) work as expected, with the `LINE_NUMBER` property receiving the value 1.

_My apologies, i deleted my comment by accident. I cannot directly restore it, so i have to post it again. That unfortunately means, you get another email notification for basically...

> when I change LINE_NUMBER value from 1 KEEP_ALIVE_OPTION is also recognized This is for fiddle example Ah, your observation made me remember. There was a similar or same issue...

Why are you not just trying to create such an "old-style" project file by hand or in an old version of Visual Studio? There are no tricky bits in the...

CommandLineParser has a [_built-in_ Help verb](https://github.com/commandlineparser/commandline/wiki/Generating-Help-and-Usage-information#using-verbs). If you want to define your own Help verb, the built-in Help verb needs to be disabled by setting [ParserSettings.AutoHelp](https://github.com/commandlineparser/commandline/wiki/P_CommandLine_ParserSettings_AutoHelp) to _false_. For example...

_My following explanations are based on System.CommandLine 2.0.0-beta1.21467.1 (as well as 2.0.0-beta1.21462.1). Older versions behave differently. I also cannot tell with authority whether the described behavior is intentional or a...