Eleni Christodoulou
Eleni Christodoulou
Hello, I re-open this issue...I am mapping paired-end reads using bowtie2 and the --un option; therefore I retrieve two output fastq files, one for each paired-end read. I then use...
Hello, I wanted to download Splice Junction files for the Primary Tumors of the TCGA-GBM project. I am runnin g R 4.0.0. I used the command `query The columns of...
Hello. I am trying to install hdf5r on AWS. The installed R version is 3.6.1. I have already successfully ran `sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev` When I try to install the...
Hello, I am trying to find active and inactive promoters and also major and minor promoters across a brain cancer dataset. I only need to retrieve the promoters for this...
Hello, I am using proActiv v1.0.0, because I run it on a server where R 4.0.0 is installed. I cannot install a newer version of R (I don't have the...
Dear PharmacoGx authors, I find PharmacoGx very useful for my research. I recently tried running it with my input signatures following the guide https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/PharmacoGx/inst/doc/PharmacoGx.pdf I realized that the drug.perturbation object...