Related to #1552 Wallet info area is jumping when copy an address. See the video: https://watch.screencastify.com/v/CNHBiENXw6AiPiPt0CAH **Expected**: keep it fixed
1. Open the app in the Firefox 2. Open settings 3. Specify a slippage >1 4. Observe the warning icon **AR**: Slippage warning icon is shifted  **ER**:...
Not a priority, but it would be nice to add a 'Wrap'/'Unwrap' buttons' state as 'wrapping'/'unwrapping' when a transaction is sent to a connected wallet. Besides, it would be nice...
https://mevslicer.netlify.app/ It would be nice to add the best score for the game for the session (like we do for the Cow Runner game) Also, it would be nice to...
A real edge-case: the app broke when type anything instead of # in the URL  **Expected**: show 404 error page?
Swap button remains to be displayed in the clicked state when cancel order/quit a confirmation modal
The video is recorded when testing a PR, but it is reproducible on **Prod/Stage/Barn/Dev** https://watch.screencastify.com/v/REksaI3mG7bm8GeHSzPe **Steps**: 1. Open Swap page 2. Connect to a wallet 3. Specify tokens to sell/buy,...
1. open the app in a mobile browser 2. Connect to a Gnosis safe 3. run a transaction 4. Press on the 'View Gnosis Safe' link **AR**: user is navigated...
'Broken' token icon looks like a white circle in the light mode See the image:  It should look like a 'broken' icon as it is in the dark mode:...
related to #1552 1. Connect a wallet 2. Open activity modal 3. Open the connected wallet 3. Press on the 'Disconnect' button from there/Change a network to an unsupported one...
Token labels do not have a certain alignment: see the image  Might it be better to make it left-alighted?