Elliot Sollis
Elliot Sollis
@ljwh2 please add comments/corrections as needed
@eks-ebi to think about where to display documentation on GWAS Catalog website
@jiyue1214 The documentation looks really nice and very helpful! I've started writing up some feedback [in this document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n7Chm_dAGSKUQsEKkD4HZOut0TlhfpxaQzQtqSqirmo/edit#heading=h.ryyf7gt0wxsm) - I haven't gone through everything yet, but I'll try to keep...
@eks-ebi add link to this documentation in the main GWAS Catalog submission documentation
@jdhayhurst assigning you just so you know about it - feel free to put back in general queue etc.
@karatugo can I assign this ticket to you?
@karatugo where can I see these study folders? I haven't been able to find these GCSTs on staging, and I think the endpoint has been removed from the private FTP.
@karatugo thanks for sending the link to the right place on staging - I can confirm that the yamls all have GWAS-SSF v1.0 filetype now, thanks!
confirmed that the "aging" term is now correct and up to date
other recently-added traits are also there in the updated spreadsheet, so I think this is done