Erik Kluzek

Results 615 comments of Erik Kluzek

We talked about this in the CSEG meeting. The takeaways are: > Jim feels that we do want to test with NVHPC, so that we know if things start failing....

Somewhat related to this is that the higher resolution datasets should also be made with the high resolution PFT data when that becomes available. We already have a TODO in...

Recent issues with NEON again make me think we should do something here.

Another part of this should be to subset the DATM data and then run a case from it. This was first discussed here:

The SEA is doing a tutorial on UXarray which is the unstructured grid version of xarray. This might be part of the work we end up doing in this space....

@jedwards4b there are some changes that we need to bring in associated with this. Would you prefer: - We open a PR to this one so you review? - We...

@jedwards4b thanks for letting us know your plans. I think the only thing that needs to be done here is to to update .gitmodules based on our CTSM tag for...

When this is further along we should make a ctsm5.3.mksurfdata branch and rebase to it.

@slevis-lmwg this actually also applies to derecho. We should start adding derecho_cray tests once ccs_config fully supports it.