Erik Kluzek

Results 615 comments of Erik Kluzek

@jedwards4b I updated #1550 to point out that this issue was fixed previously. I think the version in /work/02503/edwardsj/cesm2_x.ihesp/components/clm must be an older clm before this was fixed. The fix...

Some recent developments make me want to bring this up again. Two things to note is param-dev and recent work on SLIM. Alper's param-dev work has gone into the latest...

#2126 and some work I and @adrifoster was doing in the perl build-namelist "unit-tester" (it's not really a unit-tester, as it's not testing methods inside the perl, it's really a...

@adrifoster that is pretty much what @bilsacks proposed above in his comment (that now he responded to). I'm not sure what you mean about "individual tests"? Are you saying the...

This should likely be done based on ParamGen which would help with issues: #26, #569 and #454

@jedwards4b yes that's the way I was thinking about this as well. We might add some unit tests to cime for behavior we rely on in CTSM. We also plan...

Yes, as @samsrabin says, we potentially want to add some CIME unit tests around expected behavior. Which is exactly what you said above > "If you expect a certain behavior...

We'll add an issue to CIME about adding tests to CIME when we actually have a clearer picture of what this will look like on the cime side.

This should be thought about in terms of #585