Erik Kluzek

Results 615 comments of Erik Kluzek

It was decided this wouldn't be done for the CESM2.2.0 release. We only need functional layouts for I and F compsets for the new grids. So if someone sets up...

Here's the lit of failures that @fischer-ncar found for this problem: ``` i All, Got a bunch of test failures along the lines of 115: check_dim ERROR: mismatch of input...

Other REFCASES needed... FAIL SMS_Ln1.f09_g17.BWCO2x4cmip6.cheyenne_intel.allactive-defaultio FAIL SMS_Ln1.f09_g17.BWscHIST.cheyenne_intel.allactive-defaultio FAIL SMS_Ln1.f09_g17.BWSSP126cmip6.cheyenne_intel.allactive-defaultio

GET_REFCASE isn't being set to TRUE for most cases. It seems like it should be for cases when REFCASE is set. I'm adding changes that set GET_REFCASE to TRUE when...

Well my point is that there's a ton of specific settings for specific REFCASES that are NOT setting GET_REFCASE to TRUE and seem like they should. For here I'm just...

@strandwg gave me an idea when talking about the cam.i files. What if we change the history files ".h" into either ".ha" for average (and min, max), and ".hi" for...

@cacraigucar if the top level external points to a branch in a component, by default it checks it out as a detached-head, but you can change it to a branch...

The way I recommend is that if the component in question is at the top level (in Externals.cfg) you edit it there and use manage_externals to manage the branch. If...

@cacraigucar also has a good point about when you have uncommitted mods. Sometimes you have something small that you don't really want to commit or create a branch for. One...