In the hopes of being helpful for some of these... I went through the cURL constants listed here, making some notes: [getinfo page](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-getinfo.php) has these constants listed with brief explanations:...
@kocsismate I agree that there should be a single source of truth for predefined constants. Documenting them on the predefined constants page and referencing it everywhere applicable makes sense to...
Here's [an example](https://github.com/amphp/http-server/blob/master/examples/hello-world.php#L19-L22) for supporting SSL on http-server.
with PR #1911 already merged and looking at the latest curl docs, all of the curl constants listed on this tracker can be marked as completed. I did notice that...
Did not update and [curl_version](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-version.php) page for the CURL_VERSION new flags, looks like we never kept the full list there.
Thanks a ton for the reviews! They sure helped a lot. I'll be onto these changes this weekend and try my best to document more constants following the same notes...
I realize some setopt entries define the versions available while others don't. What's the preference regarding this?
lol, I really thought one would be able to request review from multiple reviewers, sorry for all that ^^. I believe I finally powered through the remaining constants with the...
Thanks for the review and suffering through this one with me :-) I'll get those fixed tonight.
Oh noes, I forgot that I used the interface to commit the changes prior to my force push @cmb69 :P which apparently completely nuked your suggested edit for a paragraph...