Emily Casey
Emily Casey
It would be nice if the [docs](https://github.com/pivotal/kpack/tree/main/docs) documented the `status` fields for each kind, in addition to the `spec` fields.
Sometime, when I experience an error I don't understand while running a build in kpack, I would like to investigate by rerunning with debug level lifecycle logging. All lifecycle phases...
[RFC 0101](https://github.com/buildpacks/rfcs/blob/main/text/0101-system-buildpacks-in-builder.md) - System Buildpacks in Builder Images `pack` should provide a mechanism by which users can disable system buildpacks. suggested syntax: ``` pack build --disable-system-buildpacks ``` This issue depends...
[RFC 0101](https://github.com/buildpacks/rfcs/blob/main/text/0101-system-buildpacks-in-builder.md) - System Buildpacks in Builder Images Allow builder authors to specify system buildpacks in `builder.toml` with the following syntax: ``` [[system.pre.buildpacks]] id = "" version = "" optional...
### Description Operations like `pack rebase` and `pack create-builder` can be very slow when using the docker daemon. This happens because layers must be exported from docker and then loaded...
**Given** pack is created with default lifecycle version `v0.x` **Given** there are multiple patch releases of lifecycle with the same minor version (e.g. `v0.x.0`, `v0.x.1`, `v.0.x.2`) **When** I run `pack...
### Description We shouldn't require a `package.toml` file when we are: 1. packaging a single component buildpack 2. packaging a metabuildpack when all dependent buildpacks are available in the registry...
[RFC 0076](https://github.com/buildpacks/rfcs/blob/main/text/0076-windows-security-identifiers.md) https://github.com/buildpacks/rfcs/pull/133 When creating builders or executing builds: * Use CNB_USER_SID and CNB_GROUP_SID instead of CNB_USER_ID and CNB_GROUP_ID when working with windows stack images * Replace any use of...
Use `ggcr` `k8schain` package to provide workload identity based authentication in the lifecycle. The keychain returned by [NewNoClient](`https://godoc.org/github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pkg/authn/k8schain#NewNoClient) should allow us to provide credential-helper-like authentication when the lifecycle runs in-cluster...
[RFC 0066](https://github.com/buildpacks/rfcs/blob/main/text/0066-lifecycle-prelease-version-and-experimental-section.md) buildpacks/rfcs#115 buildpacks/spec#141 Setup framework to handle experimental modes.