
Results 10 issues of egolep

It would be very nice to have more transformers than Standardizer, OneHotEncoding and BoxCox (and their univariate versions) I even tried to implement a MinMaxScaler using Standardizer as an example,...

new model

Whenever I try to train a model on GPU with a `Dropout` layer the training fails and I get the error message pasted below. At the beginning I thought it...


Maybe it's a stupid question, but I can't find a way to reload the folder opened in ucollage without having to close and restart it. I tried to use loadfiles,...

### What Operating System(s) are you seeing this problem on? Linux X11 ### Which Wayland compositor or X11 Window manager(s) are you using? qtile ### WezTerm version wezterm 20220907-075508-5cae889c ###...


I would like to use something like [FloatTerm]( or [ToggleTerm]( as the target for my REPL instead of plain neovim terminal. This way, I can toggle the REPL without killing...


I'm playing with both the bindings for Julia and Python, and while working with residues on a liposome, I found that, in the Julia version, `Residue` and `residue_for_atom` are making...

Pluto seems to receive frequent updates and improvements, while this repo seems to be stuck at more than one year ago. I really like the simplicity that Pluto brings to...

I tried using the `exec.session` tag (which, if I get it correctly, should let me execute different code cells in the same REPL) but the execution always hangs and I'm...

Maybe it is already possible or maybe it is not even planned or wanted, but I was wondering if there is a way to make different code cells aware of...

In the last days I started to have this error everytime I try to use `WildcatRun`. Nothing has changed in my environment. There is a way to see a log...