@RickardSjogren and @tisimst you two should coordinate. Maybe both of you can be repo owners. Having one really good package with multiple contributors is what we all need. The new...
Any update on this? Something about the theme doesn't load properly when daemon mode starts. If eval `(load-theme 'spacemacs-dark t)` after the daemon starts everything seems to be ok. But...
Can you include the PR so we can try it out?
I tried this and it doesn't solve the problem I'm seeing.
Thank you very much, worked perfectly! I wonder if it is worth requesting an icon from projectile?
Have you tried this with emacs 25.1 with daemon mode? I'm getting: Wrong type of argument: number-or-marker-p, nil Thanks, Ed --- From: Tom Willemse [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016...
Ok, I'm on an older setup which might be my problem. Great work creating the package, thank you very much!! --Ed --- From: Tom Willemse [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, November 9,...
Can we add this for the anaconda-mode icon: https://github.com/proofit404/anaconda-mode/blob/master/static/logo.png I can try to convert it to the proper format if you let me know what you need.
I will give it a try! Get Outlook for Androidhttps://aka.ms/ghei36 On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 7:21 PM -0600, "Matthew Fidler" wrote: An xpm 16x16 would be best. Would you...
Any updates on this? I would like to have the company numbers pop up when the flyspell corrections are listed.