spacemacs-theme copied to clipboard
Show paren mode doesn't work with Emacs 25.1.1 in daemon mode
emacs --daemon emacsclient -c It works in other themes so I'm not sure what the problem is.
I had a similar issue. But is not that show-paren-mode is not working, the problem is that the face colour for show-paren-match and show-paren-mismatch is indistinguishable from normal text when starting emacs as a daemon. You can change the face to test it with set-face-attribute.
Actually is not the only face, other faces have different background colours depending if emacs is started as daemon or not (e.g. font-lock-comment-face). Not sure why that happens, but looks related to issue #78.
Any update on this? Something about the theme doesn't load properly when daemon mode starts.
If eval (load-theme 'spacemacs-dark t)
after the daemon starts everything seems to be ok.
But it would be great if I could get the theme to load normally the first time.
Hello @eflanigan00, there's a PR that might solve this issue. Sorry, I still didn't have the time to work on it.
Can you include the PR so we can try it out?
@eflanigan00 you can get it from @jabranham branch As I said, I need to test it more and I didn't have the time yet. If you test it and it solves the issue, please let me know.
I tried this and it doesn't solve the problem I'm seeing.