Results 71 comments of EBK21

> https://www.scraperapi.com/ Could may be of use in this case It's not cheap. The free credits only available for 7 days.

I'm thinking is it possible to add meta with plan string in manifest so it doesn't need to modify the resources. Since for this case we dont need to modify(or...

PS:I don't know if this mod is still required on new playstoreAPK|microg,at least it looks working without mod currently. On older playstore version, this mod is required for IAP to...

APK and log here > http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=53174497677291535991

Tried aapt2, it's now giving ``` W: D:\Portable\apktool\base\res\values-af\LEMON_transformed_from_strings.xml:3: error: unknown resource type 'LEMON_transformed_from_string'. W: D:\Portable\apktool\base\res\values-af\LEMON_transformed_from_strings.xml:4: error: unknown resource type 'LEMON_transformed_from_string'. W: D:\Portable\apktool\base\res\values-af\LEMON_transformed_from_strings.xml:5: error: unknown resource type 'LEMON_transformed_from_string'. W: D:\Portable\apktool\base\res\values-af\LEMON_transformed_from_strings.xml:6: error:...

@iBotPeaches tinyupload looks down. I uploaded the apk here again > https://file.io/Cwe2G4wyHP26

> yes, it will output that information as attributes on the types and members in the output dummy assemblies. Will it add support to generate disassembler script just like the...

it's just leftover/dummy package from the old win10 version which is same as the legacy edge. However i didn't see this entry after uninstalling new edge. According to some report...

WAT?? It's open source now?

Using 1.77.2 Can not connect to vnc server forwarded using frp, stream error.