Results 71 comments of EBK21

> @Perfare Il2CppInspector creates header files and Python scripts that don't work. Since the only actively developed alternative to it is your program, can you please add support for older...

Still happenes, especially when you logout in vnc session ```x11vnc.service - This start the x11vnc for :0 Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/x11vnc.service; enabled; preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2023-11-15...

> > Process: 637 ExecStart=/usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -auth guess -N -no6 -nevershared -forever -xkb -noxdamage -speeds 6,1500,40 -ping 5 -passwd NOYOUDONT (cod> > > x11vnc -localhost -display :0 -repeat -forever...

This might be interested for gamers which uses n2n for VLAN. KCP was originly used a lot in [?] to defeat the QoS by ISP when access oversea servers(no longer...

On my device,the audio becomes super laggy with opengl mode defaut 1x.

Dead project now. The developers go for money now and give up this version (this version still works though). Anyone need a converted xpi can reply to this.

> > Dead project now. The developers go for money now and give up this version (this version still works though). Anyone need a converted xpi can reply to this....

> > > > Dead project now. The developers go for money now and give up this version (this version still works though). Anyone need a converted xpi can reply...

> > > > > > Dead project now. The developers go for money now and give up this version (this version still works though). Anyone need a converted xpi...

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