Results 33 comments of eduo

iDOS, which is a working app in the app store but also has its code released fully, currently supports vectorial keyboard support. It could be the basis for this support....

The port to iOS I shared right above is based on VICE as well.

iDOS, which is a working app in the app store but also has its code released fully, currently supports vectorial keyboard support. It could be the basis for this support....

Yeah. The idea is to be able to open with a specific path to the sub specified in the CLI (and only that, bypassing automatic detection of others), as subs...

> Palette fading is painfully slow on both iPhone and iPad. On iPhone viewport is scaled down, which makes virtually all text an unreadable mess. Gameplay performance is very poor....

Thanks, of course I found the resolution section in settings right after putting the comment but you beat me to amending it. How is it possible then to insert the...

I understand. I appreciate the quick response. I'll look for an explanation of resolution entries, since while I've seen where they can be edited, inputting the native of quarter resolutions...

A note here which may be useful: I hadn't migrated to Sequel Ace from Sequel Pro. I decided to do it today because this started happening importantly around a week...

Understood. I appreciate the prompt response. Will keep my eyes peeled :D

Any news regarding chapter support. Chapters have become extremely common, and jsmediatags is great for reading them but writing is a different matter altogether. We have a platform where we...