
Results 6 issues of montdraco

Hi, on the latest IDF I saw a lot of errors trying to compile, all related to the http server. I assume that it is a conflict with the espressif...

Hi, Do you think that is it possible to play a small video (~10 seconds) from RAM using the basic concepts of your code? The idea is to read the...

Hi, I think that an opus receiver for hi-fi audio over UDP on the ESP32 will be fantastic. Do you think that something like this is possible? Thanks!

I just want to open this thread for those who can test this dev board: I'm interested in using it as a wav player with your project, it includes...

Nice work. I like very much the KISS approach of your design, but without complicating things, what do you think about a simple express REST API as a middleware? I'm...

Hi, I checked your code and noted that the format is rawvideo rgb565 little endian. Can you please check if a video converted form ffmpeg works? The command is :...