json attached. attachment removed.
Resetting account and re-importing the json worked. So I'll have to reset my account every time I want to update my box?
Ah testing! That I can do! 5 minutes later: OK, new import works. I'd mark this as closed but... We (or at least I) don't know what actually caused the...
json link removed.
Something like this, I'd give at least 10 minutes before declaring it fully frozen. If it's stuck at 0kb/s it's possible your having problems connecting to the server. Try unplugging...
The type of connection issue I'm thinking is an internet routing issue, where one of the nodes your trying to pass through to get to the download servers is down...
And I'll repeat, I'm not saying it's a router issue, I'm saying it might be an _internet_ issue.
https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-a-dns-cache-817514 > When troubleshooting cache poisoning or other internet connectivity issues, a computer administrator may wish to flush (i.e. clear, reset, or erase) a DNS cache. >Since clearing the DNS...
@lunelovehearn There's a few music packs that haven't made it into the installer yet, you can find those here: https://www.zeldix.net/t1335-final-fantasy-vi-j-final-fantasy-iii-us Also ChrystalChameleon has recently been releasing more FFVI songs, and...
Was looking around at various bugfix patches for FFVI, and spotted this one: http://assassin17.brinkster.net/patches.htm#anchor39 It's for an equipment glitch that's related to NMI's. I figured if you have to play...