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An open-source registry for VS Code extensions

Results 183 openvsx issues
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I am currently facing an issue when building an [Eclipse Theia]( based application which downloads VScode extensions. I get some 429 http error when downloading those plugins at build time...


### Description Currently, [SAS token]( is the only way to authenticate azure storage account. We'd like to add support for [Azure AD token authentication]( ### Use case/motivation Our internal system...


Hi, I did a search for "oracle" and the results include three extensions that do not have "oracle" in any location. I verified this occurs on and also vscodium....


Use `event.preventDefault` in webui event handlers to prevent any unexpected side effects.


💡 `#1` a nitpick I though of is that when an error like this one happens (an error with the package, not our service), we could reset the input so...


Please help, I met the following error when publish a new version of my extension ` ovsx publish --pat .\qt-support-Kylin-IDE-0.0.5.vsix` ❌ Internal Server Error See the documentation for more information:...


This commit enforces that only extension versions compliant with the publisher agreement can be published. Already existing extensions versions are checked as part of a migration job. Contributed on behalf...

Currently, the last-updated-date is only updated when a new extension version is published. This causes the mirror to be out-of-sync with upstream whenever an extension version is deleted. This commit...

When an extension version is deleted, the `last_updated_date` of its extension database entry is not updated. This causes the mirror to be out-of-sync with upstream. For example: - Extension Ext...