Hi, I am running everything on linux. I checked both ko_precalculated.tab and my sample_counts file and both have study_x etc. Here is the first bit of my ko_precalculated (after changing...
Hi, I ran the command as suggested. The file is attached here. [ko_precalculated.tab.gz](https://github.com/vmaffei/dada2_to_picrust/files/1465001/ko_precalculated.tab.gz)
biom, version 2.1.6 h5py (2.5.0) I have never tried running PICRUST before at all. I am doing it now on a linux cluster: Linux 2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 22...
It worked! Thank you so much!!!