
Results 63 issues of earonesty

nvm-windows cannot be used in parallel, or used in ci/cd runners that have more than 1 job running at once, because it modifys global values on the machine It should...

enhancement request

Python is notoriously a "bad language" for crypto because of the lack of memory management tools, but we can try. Each can be implemented separately, but all are probably necessary...

## Bug Report Passthrough fs does not work with Quickbooks, even if you change the sector size to 512. ### How to Reproduce If you download the trial version of...

# system We tested this on win7 and win10 ## To reproduice 1. build the passthrough file system (i used passthrough-cpp with latest master, and latest winfsp release installed) 2....

for example: `"\t{'a':1}"` fails allowing tab chars in json/flow should be normal/work fine, but it doesn't

Extremely similar: https://gist.github.com/earonesty/2a8ac3a03e88ac90292cc28c823eb80b Added: - parallel tests (if you want) - fixtures (optional) - context logger - selectable tests - process exit code

**What's the problem this feature will solve?** When creating a new virtualenv there may be some things like: - sitecustomize files - seeded packages that patch/repair builtins - other things...


If, in the first round each party uses a proof of knowledge of secret key, the second round where signers verify the commitment - which is necessary to prevent a...

When i run pyenv install 3.9.6 on windows, it begins running `./configure` in the download python sources The correct way to build on windows is `PCbuild/build.bat -e -d -p x64`...
