
Results 92 comments of earonesty

i agree, black behaves very oddly with comments ``` while small_cond: # long comment here... do() ``` becomes ``` while ( small_cond: ): # long comment here... do() ``` which...

Note: right now the toString() function doesn't zero pad hex (or anything > base 10), which results in strings like "a" instead of "0a" being output as valid hex strings....

Every operating system has a default TCP timeout. On windows it's 240 seconds, the RFC for TCP recommends a 100 second minimum. The requests library, without sane defaults, is fundamentally...

here's "yq" instead of jq: https://gist.github.com/earonesty/1d7cb531bb8fff8c228b7710126bcc33

I feel like this is one of the more important entries can you mention why it is tagged incomplete and I'll finish filling it out.

maybe there should be a way of just putting a question mark there? it's a broadly confirmed purchase. i did try to contact mass m btw. no reply.

Another server error: https://jsperf.com/float-to-int-conversion-comparison

See: https://github.com/AtakamaLLC/tsmock

I use tests like this to help discover potential issues: https://gist.github.com/earonesty/e24df86bf815031479e6b761dccd100f

This package makes testing for "secrets in memory leaks" easier: https://github.com/AtakamaLLC/pysecbytes