Erick Armingol

Results 6 issues of Erick Armingol

I am wondering if there is a way to color the edges with a gradient that starts with the same color as the starting node and ends with the same...

Hi @sqjin I'm wondering if it's possible to use CellChat with a list of LR pairs that does not contain complexes and cofactors (it's from another organism too). I tried...

Implemented a new algorithm for flux variability analysis that is faster than the regular algorithm. It is faster because is designed to solve less numbers of LPs. A full description...


Any option to implement an easy way to "plug and play" different loss functions in the tensor decompositions? It would be great having something like that instead of editing each...

#### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. There is no method able to capture non-linear relationships using tensor decomposition in tensorly. #### Describe the solution you'd...

Hi! I am getting the a bunch of log messages (shown at the end of this post) when changing fonts in matplotlib (v3.8.2) using `plt.rcParams.update({"pdf.fonttype": 42, "ps.fonttype": 42})` These messages...