Erick Armingol

Results 25 comments of Erick Armingol

> @earmingol at the moment, I don't think we have the necessary code implemented to do so. > > That said, it'd definitely make for an interesting PR. The underlying...

@ericmjl It would be great having a call to discuss more :)

@ericmjl sorry for the long time, but I got very busy during the last months. Anyways, I have been trying to implement this idea and I got a draft code...

> Adding `misc=F` to LoadH5Seurat seemed to fix this. This worked for me! thanks :D

Hi! Thanks for this new question, happy to see that you are getting familiar with our tool. Regarding the elbow analysis, theoretically you can increase the `upper_rank` up to any...

Hi @deepcompbio The elbow analysis based on similarity is now available in the v0.6.2 in this PR The way to use it is to add the parameter ```metric='similarity'``` when...

Hi! The order of elements within each dimension does not matter. Tensor decomposition is agnostic to the order of them. Here, we sorted them just for visualization purposes and to...

Thanks for your comments @tomthomas3000 ! Regarding the error, which version of Tensor-cell2cell are you using? This seems to be an error we found in an older version, and should...

@tomthomas3000 you can always run everything on the CPU, but depending on the size of the tensor it may be very slow. For running it on a CPU just follow...

Wow! What is the size of your tensor? (you can check in ```tensor.tensor.shape```) I've never used more than 1 GPU, but it looks like that is possible from this thread:...