Done. Looks good. Ticket can be closed.
Reopening as the yaml files do not look quite right. (is_harmonised = false). Also, the .tbi files should be renamed .tbi.gz.
The yamls are only five lines long. Should they not contain more detail? 
## Fields that should be displayed: ### studies tab: - **Reported trait** (currently shows the 'trait' but this is taken from the submission form which is not necessarily correct. It...
For future reference, how should I have requested these terms differently? Were the parent terms okay? Is it just in the definition field I should have specified eg. "in blood"?
Is there any update on these terms receiving EFO labels, please?
@rays22 Thank you! There are a few I can't find in that list. Some of them don't seem to have mapped in your previous table so I'm happy to use...
@rays22 ah I see, thanks!
I'm a bit confused as to why the file-type is correct after pushing through. Maybe is due to yamls not being generated at point of validation. Will confirm tomorrow if...