Qijia Liu

Results 25 issues of Qijia Liu

## Description ![5F42DF97-6690-41AE-B1DB-2FDCD1B60A57](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26783539/178131344-ab649556-10d0-4ed9-afbf-9a81c3bf33a2.png) ## Steps to Reproduce 1. On https://cortexjs.io/mathlive/, open the keyboard 2. Long press 7 and select a variant 3. Long press 8 and select a variant ###...

这个脚本只有一个目的:节约你的宝贵时间 比如点击、滚屏、查看无意义信息、低效检索 第一次commit只有20行,其中js只占9行 发展到现在,功能变得更多,题库不断丰富,star、issue、pr也接踵而至 感谢大家的支持 我目前在思考一些新特性,包括 * 更安全的自动答题 * 更多可选的折叠模块 * 自动识别三维并与自己的比较 如果你有想要的新特性,欢迎提出 也欢迎加群交流,群号652122176,暗号:一亩三分地

help wanted

## Description When I only want to override content cache duration, I tried this ```py CMS_CACHE_DURATIONS = { 'content': 3600, } ``` then it failed saying `KeyError: 'menus'`. I think...


Closes #3805 I'm using Python 3.9. I tried `python setup.py sdist upload -r pypitest` but got ``` ... Writing antlr4-python3-runtime-4.10.1/setup.cfg Creating tar archive removing 'antlr4-python3-runtime-4.10.1' (and everything under it) running...

Could you please publish python wheel to pypi? Currently there is only [source](https://pypi.org/project/antlr4-python3-runtime/#files).

#### References to other Issues or PRs Fixes #23712 Fixes #23505 #### Brief description of what is fixed or changed This is an extension to power rule. Nested pow like...


## 🐛 Bug ### To Reproduce On https://pyodide.org/en/latest/console.html ```py import micropip await micropip.install('prompt_toolkit') # try example from prompt_toolkit's README from prompt_toolkit import prompt answer = prompt('Give me some input: ')...


```py class A: @property def foo(self): return 'a' A.foo.fget(A()) ``` pyright reports error `error: Expected 0 positional arguments (reportGeneralTypeIssues)`


First try this site: https://sympy-beta.vercel.app/ I've forked SymPy Gamma to https://github.com/eagleoflqj/sympy_beta In a word, run SymPy Gamma in your browser without backend computation. What's more, it uses modern frontend technology...

I've already configured ~/.ssh/config. Could you add a function to import that config file (automatically or manually) like what VSCode Remote SSH extension does?