Qijia Liu

Results 41 comments of Qijia Liu

> 你答案是错的 题库里的哪一题?

> 你QQ群答案是错的 不好意思 我刚用小号试了一下 确实加不进去 是qq群的bug 已修改认证方式为答题并审核

> 他们现在有验证码了。。 是的,所以现在针对答题,脚本会自动选择答案并把焦点移到验证码输入框,用户不需要单击鼠标,直接输入验证码按回车就可以了。 如果要自动填验证码,需要用机器学习训练。一个方法是自动将用户的正确答案和图片上传到我的服务器,时间长了就有了足够多标注好的数据集(我可以公开给其他人)。技术上可行,但估计会有人担心隐私问题,所以我暂时没有做这个的打算。

It's not `setup.py` itself that is deprecated, but calling `python setup.py sdist|bdist_wheel [upload]` from cli. `python -m build` still reads content of `setup.py`. So no need to change any `setup.py`...

> ubuntu下面好像不行呢 > centos7下面都没问题,但是ubuntu18.04下面会报错,Unknown section 'unit'. Ignoring Unit首字母大写

Runtime version checking for ANTLR seems impossible before https://github.com/antlr/antlr4/pull/3658.

Use `pip install antlr4-python3-runtime` or `conda install -c conda-forge antlr-python-runtime`, but either case `version('antlr4-python3-runtime')` should be used to check version.

@oscarbenjamin is this good to go?

I was going to try, but recently pyodide upgrades emscripten version and I can't build it locally using docker. The next step of prompt_toolkit is to call `os.get_terminal_size(1)`, which is...

Fixed in SymPy Beta https://sympy-beta.vercel.app/input/(exp(x)%20%2F%20(1%20+%20exp(2x))).subs(exp(x),%20u)