That issue was referencing MAC/OSX builds with spinning issues though. I'm not sure if it related to Linux builds.
The best, most current one I know of https://github.com/c-d-a/io_export_qmap
Yeah, I would agree. While a few people have asked about an Arch shape tool I've been showing people a few examples of the shape tools currently implemented and the...
Oh yes, quite nice again. > > This should now work again.
Its been a busy month or so for me. I wrote the digital paintball2 fgd included in TB with some help from one of their community members so I will...
DDayNormandy: [dday.fgd.txt](https://github.com/TrenchBroom/TrenchBroom/files/5174882/dday.fgd.txt) fixed. DigitalPaintball2: [pball2.fgd.txt](https://github.com/TrenchBroom/TrenchBroom/files/5174906/pball2.fgd.txt) fixed.
I will look through these again as soon as I can and try to clean up some of the spam from dupes. > Pinging @eGax since he is inofficial maintainer...
Yeah, they are horrible.
I like something around this idea. I have done this, shared profiles, but the person needs to either replace their files with the one I share, or merge it manually...
Unfortunately at this point in time because of this, I am no longer able to install this in Arch Linux or its derivatives. If anyone knows of any SwatchBooker alternatives...