Dženan Zukić

Results 74 issues of Dženan Zukić

The document at [https://itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf](https://itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf) shows version 5.2.0 from April 16, 2021. It should be updated.

https://sentry.io/organizations/kitware-data/issues/3512135111/?alert_rule_id=10511315&alert_timestamp=1660823390256&alert_type=email&environment=production&project=6196580&referrer=alert_email `for val_data in data_loader:` `assert np_array.shape[0] == 1 # we are dealing with scalar images` img | {affine: array([[-1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., -1., 0., 0.], [ 0.,...

We are working for MONAI v1.0 release at MICCAI’2022 (Sept 18th release) and MONAI Zoo will be announced and released then. It would be awesome to include your work in...

This should improve accuracy on NCANDA data.

I already closed two. The rest are here: https://github.com/OpenImaging/miqa/milestones

Create a new web component and expose a few parameters which control re-learning: - Number of epochs - Percentage of data to use for re-training. When only a subset of...

This is our specific aim 3.

NN currently uses mean to combine patch outputs. Check whether some other way to combine the tiles gives better results.