Dženan Zukić

Results 74 issues of Dženan Zukić

**🚀 Feature** **Motivation** Intensity of RandomMotion transform seems to mostly depend on the "time" of the motion. And while RandomGhosting transform exposes `intensity` parameter, RandomMotion does not expose `times` parameter,...


If I set `netCDF_DIR` CMake setting in my project to netCDF's build directory (`C:\Dev\netCDF-19`), I run into the following: ```log CMake Error at C:/Dev/netCDF-19/netCDFConfig.cmake:15 (message): File or directory C://include referenced...

I am trying to read sample zarr files provided here: https://github.com/ome/ome-ngff-prototypes#data-availability ```log dzenan@corista:~/tester$ ncdump -h file:///media/xeonatorC/Dev/ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF/v0.4/tcyx.ome.zarr#mode=nczarr,file ncdump: file:///media/xeonatorC/Dev/ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF/v0.4/tcyx.ome.zarr#mode=nczarr,file: NetCDF: NCZarr error dzenan@corista:~/tester$ ncdump -h file:///media/xeonatorC/Dev/ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF/v0.4/tcyx.ome.zarr#mode=nczarr ncdump: file:///media/xeonatorC/Dev/ITKIOOMEZarrNGFF/v0.4/tcyx.ome.zarr#mode=nczarr: NetCDF: NCZarr error...

The abbreviated build log: ```log Build started... 1>------ Build started: Project: netcdf, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1> Creating library C:/Dev/netCDF-19/liblib/Release/netcdf.lib and object C:/Dev/netCDF-19/liblib/Release/netcdf.exp 1>nc_initialize.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol...

The error messages were of the style: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'aws-crt-cpp.lib'

I am trying to locally compile https://github.com/xtensor-stack/xtensor-zarr. I self "compiled" all of the dependencies within https://github.com/xtensor-stack, but decided to not go down the rabbit hole of compiling all the image...

Closes xtensor-stack/xtensor-zarr#51.

Decide whether the trigger would be size of 1, 2 or 4GB. See [nifti2_doc](https://www.nitrc.org/docman/view.php/26/1302/nifti2_doc.html) and ITK forum [discussion](https://discourse.itk.org/t/nifti-1-or-nifti-2-data-format/4330) about it.


I think it would be better if detailed class description is at the top of the page, and not buried after heaps of public definitions inside a class, many of...


image.sc forum [does this](https://github.com/ome/ngff/issues/101#issuecomment-1249018300), we could set up something similar here.
