Diana Lin
Diana Lin
I am trying to sort bone marrow cells into these categories: ```r celltypes
I am trying to build a symphony reference using an existing Seurat object that I've already run harmony on. However, `RunHarmony` no longer produces anything in the `misc` slot of...
What is the difference between these two binaries? ``` /home/dlin/.conda/envs/gembs/bin/bs_call /home/dlin/.conda/envs/gembs/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gemBS/gemBSbinaries/bs_call ``` I've noted that the first one does not have options such as `-O` and `--contig-sizes`. The .vcf generated...
With this command, I'm encountering an error: ```shell /usr/local/anaconda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gemBS/gemBSbinaries/bs_call -r /ref/hg38_no_alt.gemBS.ref \ -n TGACCA \ --contig-bed /out_dir///calls/TGACCA/contigs_TGACCA_chr4.bed \ --contig-sizes /ref/hg38_no_alt.contig.sizes \ --report-file /out_dir///calls/TGACCA/TGACCA_chr4.json \ --right-trim 0 \ --left-trim 0 \...
I'd like support for spoilers when using text commands just as is available with slash commands. By updating the prefix to include the two pipes, the bot still recognizes the...
I've verified that my plot is infact a ggplot object: ``` > class(p) [1] "gg" "ggplot" ``` Most ggplot objects can be made interactive by doing: ``` plotly::ggplotly(p) ``` However,...
When using `RunAzimuth`: ```r DefaultAssay(obj)