David Luzar

Results 144 issues of David Luzar

What [adrianlee44/atom-vertical-align](https://github.com/adrianlee44/atom-vertical-align) does. The gif from his repo sums it up: ![img](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/bf09c6d6ef1eed15d0b88e7af70c75c0c179c83a/68747470733a2f2f7261772e6769746875622e636f6d2f61647269616e6c656534342f61746f6d2d766572746963616c2d616c69676e2f6d61737465722f64656d6f2e676966)

help wanted

Alignment of `:` operator is set to `left` by default. When you add `:` to the `right separators` list, it's still regarded as being `left`.

help wanted

In vendor directories, AFAIK we can't use glob patterns like `util/*` to specify all subfolders of `util` folder, or `uti/**/*` to specify every nested subfolder.


When using the default command (`convert`), streams work as documented: ```js const gm = require('gm'); const fs = require('fs'); gm('a.jpg') .in('-resize', '3000x>') .stream() .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('./out/a.jpg')) .on('error', (err) => console.error(err)) .on('close', console.log('done'));...

OS: win 7 VS Code Version: 1.27.2 Using [Microsoft/vscode-eslint](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-eslint) extension. throws: ``` [Error - 5:35:09 PM] Error: To use eslint-plugin-rulesdir, you must load it beforehand and set the `RULES_DIR` property...

Similar to FF behavior.

Ability to execute only selected code (preferably via hotkey).

When generating sourcemap for lists (both `ul`,`li`), the trailing blank lines (`\s*`) are included thus the end row of the following example isn't `1` as usual, but `3`: ``` -...


When importing an external module twice, using both relative and absolute (project) path, the module resolution path differs in slash prefix: ```js Browserify() .external("a.js") .add(new Readable({ read () { this.push(`...

In many cases when the shape is very complex, showing the points outside of line editor makes it almost impossible to move around. I'd either 1) not show points when...
