David Luzar

Results 379 comments of David Luzar

> Is there a problem with destructuring those early? That’s the solution. The problem is Typescript's discriminated unions: (simplified example) ```typescript type Obj = { isReady: false, callMeMaybe: null }...

Ad my previous comment about destructuring and TS discriminated unions, this use case will be fixed in [TS 4.6](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/46266) 🎉 [playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?ts=4.6.0-dev.20211103#code/JYWwDg9gTgLgBAJQKYEMDGMA0cDecCuAzkgKIBmZSG2RSAyjCjEnAL5xlQQhwBEUqDLwDcAWABQEtBAB2heAEEwYOAF44ACgCUagHy4JcONLnwA2gDcUAG3xIAumoLEGTJAB5DRuAB9ccYEJkFAATAE8ALg4bYmFjG2sAWSRElDCAIyQomXxrazYvIz88QODwqJgoOzi0BOTUjKzNHVV9CwhgEILxI10NEqDUcujrYmxavPq0zOzc-NYtMUke41l5f1KhsPG6lOmWdnUrWyQlo1pySgwNbT0DFaNgMk1N0LCdHELvCaS9xu04gB6QFwJBQLhQQgBGRwAAqdDg7jgABYAHQANlRAAYvqwvKxsGZXuEdpM-pl7IsJF4BDB8FAYe4QsALLowkhCABCdyA5mspasJZAA) ```ts import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";...

> still remains the cleanest way for me at least but some have strongly suggested destructuring props outside the hook is a better solution, why so? @iiLearner destructuring is only...

Sorry for late response. The main difference is that your repo works flawlessly even for multiple separators on the same line (except for edge cases) - kudos for that. As...

Ok, that is non-intuitive. I'd suggest making it work so that when you re-assign a _default_ separator into a different group, it is removed from the original (default) group, implicitly....

I also wanted to propose to have two different `Match Pattern` settings, one for start-of-match (current behavior), and one for end-of-match. The regexes would have to be non-overlapping for it...

> Regarding the HTML tag pattern, that's pretty useful for plain text HTML, like in an editor. ``` this htmlwould beg the differ ```

`6.1` should solve this, but it's not yet up on apm (#26) so you have to update manually (download zip and replace in your packages folder) **Edit:** I take it...