Hey there! Is this one being considered as an upcoming roadmap item? It is one of the only services that I use, that isn't protected by an additional layer of...
Hey @jblachly after following the steps, it appears the error message is actually verifying that the email has already been confirmed and can be resolved by logging out and back...
Thanks for the feedback everyone, the team is aware of the issue and working towards a resolution! 👍
Not sure if there is a better issue to add this feedback to, but just finished setting up a PeerTube and noticed that markdown from VIdeo/channel bio is not supported...
Would love to see RSS support for notifications! Especially when more than 1 individual are monitoring an account, it is such a great way to parse through notifications in a...
Hey @ThrashAbaddon thanks for the information, the team is reviewing this one.
Thanks for your patience everyone, this is the result of a recent fix: https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/pull/3168, setting your matching to 'host' or 'exact' should resolve the issue, let us know otherwise and...
Hey aleqx thanks for the feedback, I've removed the stale label and I can understand where you're coming from. Rest assured that we don't regularly discard issues and the stale...
Thanks for the feedback everyone, we're looking into it. For now, please keep in mind that fingerprinting in Firefox is currently an experimental feature and may change at any time....