Damir Vandic

Results 82 comments of Damir Vandic

> @dvic Great suggestion! Improving Web search speed out of the box would be fantastic, but I can't force that many extra indexes on apps by default. > > What...

In our case we don't have this problem as long as opentelemetry_exporter is before the other opentelemetry dependencies in mix.exs. This also makes it load with mix releases.

> In our case we don't have this problem as long as opentelemetry_exporter is before the other opentelemetry dependencies in mix.exs. This also makes it load with mix releases. Scratch...

> @dvic yes. The start order can't be implicitly discerned Thanks! What is the best place to document this? In https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-erlang/blob/main/apps/opentelemetry_api/lib/open_telemetry.ex?

@garthk Related to this, I stumbled upon a [tweet](https://twitter.com/garthk/status/1375406700434354176) from you where you talk about getting the context in a plug (started from a cowboy telemetry handler). I see the...

FYI I came up with this idea (https://github.com/opentelemetry-beam/opentelemetry_phoenix/issues/28#issuecomment-887421593): Create the parent span inside a cowboy stream handler, and inject the context into the headers using `:otel_propagator.text_map_inject`? Defining and using a...

@olivermt These queries will become "less" orphaned with #49 merged but it's still quite a lot of spans. Using #49 we actually ignored most of them in our setup using...

Isn't it enough if we just make the `tell` command also encrypt all files? (and throw an error if you miss a file or the digest of the file(s) does...

Yes and also I now see there is [`Term::hash_internal`](https://docs.rs/rustler/latest/rustler/struct.Term.html#method.hash_internal). And I also see that there is already an implementation for `Term`: ```rust impl { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) {...