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Orphan telemetry for ecto spans originating from engine.ex in Oban

Open olivermt opened this issue 2 years ago • 9 comments

Describe the bug Tons of UPDATE "public"."oban_producers" AS o0 SET "updated_at" = $1 WHERE (o0."uuid" = $2) as parentless spans Expected behavior Span from engine.ex should be respected and included as the parent span

Additional context Offending code:

I suspect this is probably happening for all the functions in engine.ex as there seems to be nothing special about this function compared to all the other ones.

olivermt avatar Jan 23 '22 21:01 olivermt

This may be resolved in #49

bryannaegele avatar Mar 18 '22 19:03 bryannaegele

@olivermt These queries will become "less" orphaned with #49 merged but it's still quite a lot of spans. Using #49 we actually ignored most of them in our setup using a sampler somewhere along these lines:

defmodule OpentelemetrySampler do
  @behaviour :otel_sampler

  defstruct [:opts]

  @impl true
  def setup(opts), do: %__MODULE__{opts: opts}

  @impl true
  def description(%__MODULE__{}), do: "OpentelemetrySampler"

  @impl true
  def should_sample(ctx, _trace_id, _links, span_name, _span_kind, attributes, _opts) do
    drop =
      String.ends_with?(span_name, ".repo.query:oban_producers") ||
        String.ends_with?(span_name, ".repo.query:oban_jobs") ||
        String.starts_with?(span_name, "Elixir.Oban.Plugins") ||
        String.starts_with?(span_name, "Elixir.Oban.Pro.Plugins") ||
        Map.get(attributes, :"db.statement") in ["begin", "commit"]

    decision =
      if drop do

    additional_attributes = []

    tracestate =
      |> OpenTelemetry.Span.tracestate()

    {decision, additional_attributes, tracestate}

dvic avatar Mar 19 '22 16:03 dvic

My sampler already looks more or less like that actually :) We cut down some 8 milllion events per day in production with the above.

olivermt avatar Mar 21 '22 07:03 olivermt

Is it possible to make certain types of Oban spans configurable whether the user wants them included or not? Instead of requiring them add a sampler?

I'm not a fan of samplers having to be used simply to say 'don't include all of these' -- esp since they apply to all spans created, so even ones completely unrelated to oban have to go through the same sampler, at this time.

tsloughter avatar Mar 21 '22 11:03 tsloughter

The problem is that these spans are created by Ecto automatically deep inside the oban code.

In ruby there's:

OpenTelemetry::Common::Utilities.untraced do
  # code

which basically creates a root span with sampling set to 0. So all the spans that are automatically created (activerecord, postgres, etc) inside the block get the sampled=false as well. The last time I checked then doing that was not possible in erlang opentelemetry. I don't think it is even in the standard but many languages have provided kind of similar behavior because of the same reasons as here.

indrekj avatar Mar 21 '22 11:03 indrekj

Oh, interesting, we should probably add that and see if it should be in the spec.

tsloughter avatar Mar 21 '22 11:03 tsloughter

Nice. I can see how that could be helpful. We could maybe add a flag to the context in pdict that gets checked on span creation. 🤔

bryannaegele avatar Mar 24 '22 17:03 bryannaegele

Hi folks 👋🏼

Is the custom sampler in the comment above still the best way to handle these traces?

aj-foster avatar Feb 14 '23 22:02 aj-foster

@aj-foster here is the current one we use (dominated by Oban still, but more or less the same approach yes):

Added bonus is a free howto on how to not log usernames and passwords in cleartext to honeycomb (🙈 ). Luckily it was caught in staging and HC has good api for deleting columns :P

defmodule Platform.OpentelemetrySampler do
  require OpenTelemetry.Tracer, as: Tracer
  require OpenTelemetry.Span, as: Span

  @moduledoc """
  `setup/1` takes a map of config you can utilize in your should_sample function

  `description/1` is used to produce a human readable description of the sampler in use.

  `should_sample/7` is where you do the actual sampling.
  The params are the following
  - OpenTelemetry.Ctx, the context of the whole trace
  - trace_id, the id of the current trace
  - links, list of span links (TODO ??)
  - span_name, the name of the current span
  - span_kind, the ??
  - attrs, the attributes for the current span
  - config, the return of the setup function

  `should_sample/7` needs to return a three-tuple:

    drop | record_only | record_and_sample, # the sample decision
    [{"new_attrs", "here"}, ... {...}], #any new attrs
    trace_state #the current tracestate, see `get_tracestate`
  def setup(_) do

  def description(_), do: "PlatformSampler"

  @filter_list_db_statement [
    "SELECT pg_notify($1, payload) FROM json_array_elements_text($2::json) AS payload",
    "SELECT pg_try_advisory_xact_lock($1)",
    "select now()",
    ~s/UPDATE "public"."oban_jobs" AS o0 SET "state" = $1 FROM (SELECT so0."id" AS "id", so0."state" AS "state", so0."queue" AS "queue", so0."worker" AS "worker", so0."args" AS "args", so0."meta" AS "meta", so0."tags" AS "tags", so0."errors" AS "errors", so0."attempt" AS "attempt", so0."attempted_by" AS "attempted_by", so0."max_attempts" AS "max_attempts", so0."priority" AS "priority", so0."attempted_at" AS "attempted_at", so0."cancelled_at" AS "cancelled_at", so0."completed_at" AS "completed_at", so0."discarded_at" AS "discarded_at", so0."inserted_at" AS "inserted_at", so0."scheduled_at" AS "scheduled_at" FROM "public"."oban_jobs" AS so0 WHERE (so0."state" IN ('scheduled','retryable')) AND (NOT (so0."queue" IS NULL)) AND (so0."scheduled_at" <= $2) ORDER BY so0."id" LIMIT $3 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) AS s1 WHERE (o0."id" = s1."id")/,
    ~s/UPDATE "public"."oban_jobs" AS o0 SET "state" = $1, "attempted_at" = $2, "attempted_by" = $3, "attempt" = o0."attempt" + $4 WHERE (o0."id" IN (SELECT so0."id" FROM "public"."oban_jobs" AS so0 WHERE ((so0."state" = 'available') AND (so0."queue" = $5)) ORDER BY so0."priority", so0."scheduled_at", so0."id" LIMIT $6 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED)) RETURNING o0."id", o0."state", o0."queue", o0."worker", o0."args", o0."meta", o0."tags", o0."errors", o0."attempt", o0."attempted_by", o0."max_attempts", o0."priority", o0."attempted_at", o0."cancelled_at", o0."completed_at", o0."discarded_at", o0."inserted_at", o0."scheduled_at"/,
    ~s/UPDATE "public"."oban_jobs" AS o0 SET "state" = $1, "discarded_at" = $2 FROM (SELECT so0."id" AS "id" FROM "public"."oban_jobs" AS so0 LEFT OUTER JOIN "public"."oban_producers" AS so1 ON array_length(so0."attempted_by", 1) = 2 AND (so1."uuid" = uuid (so0."attempted_by"[2])) WHERE (NOT (so0."queue" IS NULL) AND (so0."state" = 'executing')) AND (so1."uuid" IS NULL)) AS s1 WHERE (o0."id" = s1."id") AND (o0."attempt" >= o0."max_attempts")/,
    ~s/UPDATE "public"."oban_jobs" AS o0 SET "state" = $1 FROM (SELECT so0."id" AS "id" FROM "public"."oban_jobs" AS so0 LEFT OUTER JOIN "public"."oban_producers" AS so1 ON array_length(so0."attempted_by", 1) = 2 AND (so1."uuid" = uuid (so0."attempted_by"[2])) WHERE (NOT (so0."queue" IS NULL) AND (so0."state" = 'executing')) AND (so1."uuid" IS NULL)) AS s1 WHERE (o0."id" = s1."id") AND (o0."attempt" < o0."max_attempts")/,
    ~s/DELETE FROM "public"."oban_jobs" AS o0 USING (SELECT so0."id" AS "id" FROM "public"."oban_jobs" AS so0 WHERE ((so0."state" = 'completed') AND (so0."attempted_at" < $1)) OR ((so0."state" = 'cancelled') AND (so0."cancelled_at" < $2)) OR ((so0."state" = 'discarded') AND (so0."discarded_at" < $3)) LIMIT $4 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED) AS s1 WHERE (o0."id" = s1."id")/,
    ~s/UPDATE "public"."oban_producers" AS o0 SET "updated_at" = $1 WHERE (o0."uuid" = $2)/,
    ~s/DELETE FROM "public"."oban_producers" AS o0 WHERE (((o0."uuid" != $1) AND (o0."updated_at" <= $2))) OR ((((o0."uuid" != $3) AND (o0."name" = $4)) AND (o0."queue" = $5)) AND (o0."updated_at" <= $6))/,
    ~s/SELECT DISTINCT o0."queue" FROM "public"."oban_jobs" AS o0 WHERE (o0."state" = 'available') AND (NOT (o0."queue" IS NULL))/,
    ~s/INSERT INTO "public"."oban_producers" ("meta","name","node","queue","running_ids","started_at","updated_at","uuid") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8)/,
    ~s/SELECT (o0."meta"#>'{"global_limit","tracked"}') FROM "public"."oban_producers" AS o0 WHERE (o0."queue" = $1) AND (NOT ((o0."meta"#>'{"global_limit","allowed"}') IS NULL))/,
    ~s/DELETE FROM "public"."oban_peers" AS o0 WHERE (o0."name" = $1) AND (o0."expires_at" < $2)/,
    ~s/INSERT INTO "public"."oban_peers" AS o0 ("expires_at","name","node","started_at") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4) ON CONFLICT ("name") DO UPDATE SET "expires_at" = $5/,
    ~s/INSERT INTO "public"."oban_peers" ("expires_at","name","node","started_at") VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING/,
    ~s/SELECT key FROM UNNEST($1::int[]) key WHERE NOT pg_try_advisory_xact_lock($2, key)\n/,
    ~s/SELECT o0."uuid", o0."name", o0."node", o0."queue", o0."running_ids", o0."started_at", o0."updated_at", o0."meta" FROM "public"."oban_producers" AS o0 WHERE (o0."uuid" = $1) FOR UPDATE/,
    ~s/select 1/

  @filter_list_span_name [
    "Elixir.Oban.Plugins.Gossip process",
    "Elixir.Oban.Plugins.Stager process",
    "Elixir.Oban.Plugins.Pruner process"

  @filter_graphql_variables [
  def should_sample(
      ) do
    {:no_drop, ctx, span_name, attrs}
    |> db_attrs_statement_should_drop()
    |> span_name_should_drop()
    |> gql_variable_atters_modify()
    |> case do
      {:drop, ctx, _span_name, _attrs} ->
        {:drop, [], tracestate(ctx)}

      {:no_drop, ctx, _span_name, new_attrs} ->
        {:record_and_sample, new_attrs, tracestate(ctx)}

  defp tracestate(ctx) do
    |> Span.tracestate()

  defp db_attrs_statement_should_drop(
         {_decision, ctx, span_name, %{"db.statement": statement} = attrs}
       when statement in @filter_list_db_statement,
       do: {:drop, ctx, span_name, attrs}

  defp db_attrs_statement_should_drop(sample), do: sample

  defp gql_variable_atters_modify(
         {:no_drop, ctx, span_name, %{"graphql.request.variables" => variables} = attrs}
       ) do
    if String.contains?(variables, @filter_graphql_variables) do
      variables =
        |> Jason.decode()
        |> case do
          {:ok, variables} ->
            |> filter_values(@filter_graphql_variables)
            |> Jason.encode!()

          {:error, _reason} ->

      attrs = Map.put(attrs, "graphql.request.variables", variables)
      {:no_drop, ctx, span_name, attrs}
      {:no_drop, ctx, span_name, attrs}

  defp gql_variable_atters_modify(sample), do: sample

  defp span_name_should_drop({_decision, ctx, span_name, attrs})
       when span_name in @filter_list_span_name do
    {:drop, ctx, span_name, attrs}

  defp span_name_should_drop(sample), do: sample

  def filter_values(%{} = map, filter_params) do
    Enum.into(map, %{}, fn {k, v} ->
      if is_binary(k) and String.contains?(k, filter_params) do
        {k, "[FILTERED]"}
        {k, filter_values(v, filter_params)}

  def filter_values([_ | _] = list, filter_params) do, &filter_values(&1, filter_params))

  def filter_values(other, _filter_params), do: other

olivermt avatar Feb 15 '23 07:02 olivermt