Hangci Du
Hangci Du
> Jupyter notebooks are rendered inside an iframe, and the extension currently doesn't provide a way to annotate inside those. A workaround is to copy the URL of the iframe...
是centOS 7的系统,一开始用的系统自带的screen。在screen里面,输入baidu(我设置的baidupcs的alias)就一直卡在那,不弹出交互页面;但是在screen外面就没问题;两种情况分别见下图 我以为是screen版本问题,用homebrew装上screen最新版,发现还是问题依旧。
不仅不支持screen,就算用Ctrl+Z之后用`bg`来后台运行,也会出现奇怪的bug,就是无法真正后台,如下: 综上,可见应该是baidupcs-go的bug,我是用的homebrew安装的,版本如下:
Several months have passed, have you sir ever fixed this bug? best.
I read the article in Wiki just now (https://github.com/connorferster/handcalcs/wiki/Handcalcs-with-pandas-and-numpy). It is such a pity for handcalcs not compatible with numpy.
It is totally not elegant, because the shown text is also with redundant text "Daily Notes/", which is ugly. Is it possible to automatically detect the folder? At least provide...
One year later and we still want this feature
> > One year later and we still want this feature > > Already added in latest version. I am using macOS, I have turned on the Hover Popover, but...