Dustin Franklin

Results 719 comments of Dustin Franklin

> The Nano device is sshed into from my Ubuntu PC by `ssh -X Nano@NanoIP` > `NvEGLImageFromFd: No EGLDisplay to create EGLImage` If you have X11 tunneling enabled over SSH,...

> tried `git pull` and `cmake -DENABLE_NVMM=off ../` but not working Did you also run `make && sudo make install` after running that cmake command?

OK, if it was in fact built with `-DENABLE_NVMM=off`, then you would not be recieving messages like this: ``` bash [gstreamer] gstBufferManager recieve caps: video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, format=(string)NV12, framerate=(fraction)60/1 [gstreamer]...

Hi @emma-jinger, are you able to view your camera with `nvgstcapture-1.0` program? Do you have an actual display attached to your Jetson, or are you running over SSH?

For MIPI CSI camera, you should just be able to run it without additional arguments. Regardless, does it work when you ran it before?

OK, if nvgstcapture-1.0 is unable to display it, then neither will jetson-inference's video-viewer tool. I suspect their is something wrong with your camera or it's driver. Which camera are you...

Oh okay, I think I see - I think you have X11 tunneling enabled (i.e. ssh connection started with `-X` option). This won't work as CUDA interop won't work with...

> There is no display window but there is also no other errors except `[OpenGL] failed to open X11 server connection. [OpenGL] failed to create X11 Window.` That's okay, that...

Hi @ooijenvangilbert, I believe you need to reflash your Jetson Xavier NX 16GB or SD card with the latest JetPack 5.0.1 - https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/i-have-stucked-when-i-use-jetson-inference-on-xavier-nx-16gb/214020/5?u=dusty_nv

Hi @Xionfire, it's been awhile since I trained these models and I recall using gtCoarse and needing to remap the class ID masks down to 21 classes. This tutorial does...