jetson-inference copied to clipboard
[TRT] 2: [utils.cpp::checkMemLimit::380] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion upperBound != 0 failed. Unknown embedded device
Hi@dusty-nv,I reference build and install jetson-inference but when i try to run "./imagenet images/orange_0.jpg images/test/output_0.jpg" , the following error show up: ... [TRT] Could not register plugin creator - ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1 ... [TRT] 2: [utils.cpp::checkMemLimit::380] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion upperBound != 0 failed. Unknown embedded device detected. Please update the table with the entry: {{1794, 6, 16}, 12653},) [TRT] device GPU, failed to build CUDA engine [TRT] device GPU, failed to load networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel [TRT] failed to load networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel [TRT] imageNet -- failed to initialize. imagenet: failed to initialize imageNet PS:I downloaded the models(bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel...) and put networks directory in advance. Can you help me to solve the problem?
i use jetson xavier nv hardware platform. jetpack sdk 4.6.1 Jetson_Linux_R32.7.1_aarch64.tbz2
i use jetson xavier nv hardware platform. jetpack sdk 4.6.1 Jetson_Linux_R32.7.1_aarch64.tbz2
Hello, @hgddingjun
hello? May I know which carrier board you are using?
Thank you.
Hi, i am facing the same issue.
I am not running it from the docker container
My hardware is this setup : jetpack 4.6.2 [L4T 32.7.2] cuda 10.2.300 TensorRt cuDNN
[TRT] =============== Computing reformatting costs
[TRT] *************** Autotuning Reformat: Float(307200,102400,320,1) -> Float(307200,1,960,3) ***************
[TRT] --------------- Timing Runner: Optimizer Reformat(input_0 ->
Hi @dusty-nv
So i have a fresh docker container but inside and outside of the container running the same code i get this exception.
[TRT] 2: [utils.cpp::checkMemLimit::380] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion upperBound != 0 failed. Unknown embedded device detected. Please update the table with the entry: {{1794, 6, 16}, 12660},)
Is there anything i can do to resolve this? do you need more info?
Thanks in advance
Hi @ooijenvangilbert, I believe you need to reflash your Jetson Xavier NX 16GB or SD card with the latest JetPack 5.0.1 -
Hi @ooijenvangilbert, I believe you need to reflash your Jetson Xavier NX 16GB or SD card with the latest JetPack 5.0.1 -
Hi @dusty-nv , I had the intention to do so but the SDK manager software (the pretty UI one) already crashed on startup and I don't feel secure enough for the command line option. Will however dive into it and if needed start a new item.
Hi @ooijenvangilbert, I believe you need to reflash your Jetson Xavier NX 16GB or SD card with the latest JetPack 5.0.1 -
After a very lengthy route of getting ubuntu 22.04 off my dual boot laptop and 18.04 installed i managed to get the Xavier flashed and up and running, this issue is resolved with JetPack 5.0.1