Dustin Franklin

Results 719 comments of Dustin Franklin

Hmm... hi @e-mily, can you share the output of `ls /jetson-inference/python/training/detection/ssd/data/total-5/ImageSets/Main` with me?

> 1. how do i do image augmentation using the tutorial? Image augmentation is already done automatically by the `TrainAugmentation` transforms: https://github.com/dusty-nv/pytorch-ssd/blob/3f9ba554e33260c8c493a927d7c4fdaa3f388e72/vision/ssd/data_preprocessing.py#L4 So if you want, you can add to...

> But then when I tried to put them into `trainval.txt`, `test.txt`, `val.txt` etc I received the error as stated above. So do you have the file: `total-5/ImageSets/Main/trainval.txt` and `total-5/ImageSets/Main/test.txt`...

> I realized the models are write-protected. how do i remove that so that i can delete it? You can use command like `sudo chown -R ` > if i...

Can you try deleting the `*.engine` file from your model's folder and try running detectnet program again? How many epochs did you train it for? Normally at least 30 is...

> Can you give me the full command to run `run_ssd_example.py`? ``` bash python3 run_ssd_example.py mb1-ssd ```

How many images are in your dataset? Are the objects easily discernible? Are they small? It seems like the objects you are training it on may be difficult for it...

> Im training 20 images for 3 annotations. The objects are not small. Im training it from different distance. Im aware you need at least 100 images per annotations to...

Hi @e-mily, detectnet/detectnet.py doesn't have built-in accuracy, because it has no knowledge of the ground-truth data. It is meant for inferencing only. It's on the PyTorch side that has knowledge...

> When i try to run train_ssd.py it gives `TypeError: unsupported format string passed to PosixPath.__format__` error. Can you provide the full error/exception output from the console, so I can...