Dustin Sallings
Dustin Sallings
Seems pretty close. There's a bit of thread safety around s.inflight. It seems that one might want a way to be aware of errors. Not sure what the best option...
Localization is a tremendous scope. Do you need something that CustomRelTime doesn't do?
That looks like https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/dustin/go-humanize#SI
Yeah, that makes sense. It's a floor as it goes up in magnitude, so it wouldn't use a rounding rule like you expect. I'm not sure there's a best way....
It's not clear to me what effect this has on test.
Given the rounding, it's not super likely to be noticeable, but a demonstration in a unit test would justify a fix.
There's a 1.0.1 tag that's fairly recent. I'd expect that to be picked up by folks. It's quite possible I've done something wrong, though.
I built a new client on the 3.1.1 spec (on conduit, with TLS support) and published it as http://hackage.haskell.org/package/net-mqtt (respect to the author, but I took the statement of a...
The port binding thing makes a lot of sense, but I'm not as sure about the shell thing. What are you hoping to accomplish here? Also, `/bin/sh` is standard, so...
Can you accomplish your goal with a `post-fetch` script? I run a few hundred repos through, some of which have custom deploy-on-receive scripts and that usually does it, and in...