Marcel Hild
Marcel Hild
I'd like to see live edits I'm doing. There was a reload api, but it got removed? Can I start the container in development mode? tried this, but that results...
fixes Issue #52 grafana for prometheus based on
fixes #50 prometheus for openshift 3.7
the current addon works for 3.6 - but for 3.7 we also need the node exporter and alert manager
the current grafana plugin works with hawkular metrics - add one for prometheus
An issue/pr with multiple assignees doesn't work with the `assigned` tag. It will match as `!assigned`, because it doesn't have a single assignee, but a list of assignees. Furthermore the...
trying to fix
I havent dug deeper into the why, but with the readyness probe enabled I was not able to deploy the app container (db worked fine) Then I removed the readyness...
Sometimes PRs get merged and they break master. I guess this is due to a race condition, like when travis ran, everything was good but meanwhile another PR got merged...
I'm a bit worried about ```ruby def initialize(api, json_or_hash) @api = api raw_hash = json_or_hash.kind_of?(Hash) ? json_or_hash : JSON.parse(json_or_hash) self.class.send(:id_attr, *raw_hash['related'].keys) if raw_hash.key?('related') super(raw_hash) end ``` in [base_model]( ) introduced...