
Results 11 issues of dunrix

Hi, does anybody else miss signal quality value of wireless connection, in current [wlan](https://pkg.go.dev/barista.run/modules/wlan) module? I find it quite common and practical, almost every status indicator AFAIK does support it...

feature request

Nice feature in `mpc`, and `gmpc` before it has been abandoned, was ability to skip forward & backward by given amount of time in a current playback. Any intention to...

- problem description When in Nim's source code contextual help is invoked on a keyword like `when`, `return`, `proc` etc, nimlsp/nimsuggest stops responding until editor's timeout expires (12 seconds in...

Attempt to write a simple call to (musl?) C function, fails to compile at linking stage. TinyGo 0.24.0 Linux x86_64 ```go package main /* #include #include #include */ import "C"...


`cargo-cache` displays larger amount of occupied space for installed binaries then it actually is. For example `cargo-cache` invoked without arguments or with `--info`, it prints > 20 installed binaries: 254.36...

When `LSCClientShowHover` or `LSCClientSignatureHelp` are invoked, a *preview* window gets correct `filetype` set and corresponding syntax highlighting - result after ShowHover on `collect` method: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44844371/236671501-4bebb3c4-1a74-43c7-95c7-fbf853e3f52c.png) When invoking symbol completion and...

If I remember correctly, in some older emacs & merlin versions iterations, it was possible to bring forth `merlin-types` buffer by invoking `C-c C-t` combination twice (`merlin-type-enclosing`). In current version...

When `Repl` is invoked with buffer/window modifiers, they got ignored and terminal window is positioned topleft. > :vertical botright Repl Instead of vertical bottom-right, terminal is placed top-left, no matter...

https://github.com/fhs/gompd/blob/c269f23a98e34a26322620c35e756cb4da0bfc6d/mpd/watcher.go#L8-L9 contains unexported reference to `Client` instance. Now when I need both watcher for mpd's subsystem events and also retrieve current song information, I have to create another instance with...

Not quite sure this is a bug or a feature, but [`(haskell-hide-toggle)`](https://github.com/haskell/haskell-mode/blob/bbdbc0e9231f49a45ce787ebfb3f2b019615bf61/haskell-collapse.el#L26) from `haskell-collapse` calculates end of overlay region to the next same-level indented code, while ignoring all blank lines....