
Results 11 comments of dunrix

Thanks for the comprehensive reply. I do appreciate push-based model of `barista` and can understand adding a polling--based feature would ruin it. I've just discovered what I've been thinking as...

**\*bump\*** Just chiming in about this annoying issue, reported almost a year ago. Following code from `lsp-mode` creates *lsp-help* buffer and renders its contents using markdown functions, including (mouse)binding to...

For anybody interested, share here simple work around this problem. Somewhere during emacs initialization, register hook which matches specific help buffer created by `lsp-mode` and remap mouse button and set...

Likely a (prior) duplicate of #2753 .

> Hmm, this sounds like a nimsuggest issue. I guess the way forward would be to test with just nimsuggest and see if that has the same issue. Not sure...

Thank you! It seems issue with `xref-find-definitions` command has been fixed. Unfortunately the issue still persists for `lsp-describe-thing-at-point`. When invoked on a keyword like `when` or `import`, it stops responding...

> Do you know which LSP commands are called by those two? If so I can fix it easily Not sure about that, I'm not an elisp guy. From the...

\**bump*\* Yeah, this issue struck me too. All of any imaginable toolchain I've ever met, either for programming languages or for (POSIX) administration utilities, use of `--` separator as a...

@aykevl Thanks for the reply and yes, I'd like to spawn an external command and catch its output. Adapt original Go program which uses `os/exec`.

@lwindolf What about adding an option to set font parameters manually then? I also do use lot of GTK+/GNOME applications in non-GNOME desktop/WM environments and find this annoying issue.