Dunaevsky Maxim
Dunaevsky Maxim
Hello! Please, add code for automatic calling [docformatter](https://github.com/myint/docformatter) after calling autopep8. Author of autopep8 recommend using this tool for better python docs formatting.
* Added `rx` builtin library. * RegExp's for title level 0-5 builded with `rx`. * RegExp for code and tables builded with `rx`. * Updated local variables code (like `dns-mode.el`)....
Function `adoc-follow-thing-at-point` must be: 1. When cursor is on the link, open browser with URI. 2. When cursor is on the `include::` macros: 1. If file exists, open file in...
After expanding `link` expression emmet-mode insert strings with `href` attribute at first place: ``` html ``` IMHO, rel at first place is better for understanding and code reading: ``` html...